Yay Fall! While I have my faves and reasons to get excited for each season- Fall is the winner, hands down. Growing up in Norcal always meant soccer games (sometimes in the rain), clear, crisp air, crystal blue skies, and changing colors of the trees- especially Sumac and the Aspens. Now before anyone gets at me for being in 'warm' CA- I will say I spent 5 years in Minnesota and 4 in Montreal- so I know what those Falls are like. We are lucky enough in our area to experience cool enough temps to support some pretty amazing colors too! Having said that, I will concede there is nothing like seeing fall in the Eastern US or where climates achieve temps low enough to create some pretty out of this world colors. I remember driving through the Laurentian mountains and thinking the foliage looked like fruity pebbles- that may not sound appealing, but I think I describe it like that because the colors were so brilliant they almost didn't seem real. Any of you who live in those types of climates knows what I mean. I thought of digging out my pics from the mid 1990's but decided to skip that to spare us all....
All of this to say- there is an abundance of colors to choose from when utilizing them in your home decor. If we look outside for inspiration there is literally everything to be found on the color wheel in the foliage to sky, water, and tree bark. It's like nature is doing one last push to say 'look what I can do!' before there is a quieter, more monochromatic rest period. So keeping those options in the forefront of our mind, let's look at two color palettes that we can use for the season.
1) The Muted Palette
This palette for me takes on more of the end of the season feel when colors are softening but still there. As far as interior design and decor, this is a trend that has been gaining steam over the last couple of years, and it is here to stay for a while. And I'm totally on board.

This muted palette is a nice foil to the standard orange and black that we all had for years. It tends lends itself to a romantic and feminine feel and works well with all different kinds of decor, including modern.
I love that there is some salmony-pink going on in two different saturations. If you wanted to stick with orange however, those pinks could easily be switched out for two different saturations of the muted orange that we see in those cinderella pumpkins and it would work just as well. I personally would pick whatever goes best with what is going on with the space you're decorating.
I chose to style my dining table in both palettes I'm talking about in this post to show as examples. My table for the muted palette looks like this:

Both options of the palette can work (salmony-pinks or subdued oranges), depending on how you incorporate the colors. Are there some things that won't work in certain settings? Absolutely. But usually there are ways to incorporate palettes you desire no matter what your core decor is. Especially with this palette. Using these muted colors in different combinations can work in rooms of really any color.
For this palette in my dining room, you'll notice I kept it simple. My dining room table is pretty bold, with contrasting colored woods so I decided with the muted palette to keep it fairly understated with the soft green and white of the pumpkins purchased at one of our local nurseries, the gold glass chargers and tea light holders, white felted pumpkins, and the pastel stems I bought at Crate and Barrel this year- which I LOVE. The only saturated color I added was in the dark greenery on the runner. And lastly- you know when you purchase something, but you never know the extent of the use you'll get out of it? Those taper holders I bought from Magnolia 2 years ago. They came in a set of 5 different heights and if you follow me for any amount of time, you'll see them. I'm happy to say they are one of the best purchases I've made. I've used them in a few of my rooms and have loved every single application.
Sources for Muted Palette:
not original source, but similar:
2) Caramel & Blue Palette
This palette reflects the strong, saturated colors at the height of fall. Caramel has also been coming in a major way in design/decor industry- with leather and other accents and It Is Yummy! Decor this fall incorporating this color is most definitely on trend. Adding a rich, deep blue to the buttery golden caramel color and you get a color scheme that is both unique and bold.

One accent I absolutely adore with this palette is gold- it is impossible to translate that onto a screen, but I trust you'll see what I mean in the pictures below. What I love about this combo is it is something we haven't seen a lot of so it feels different. This palette exploits the deep rusts and red/oranges of fall and brilliant dark blue of the sky at twilight. This palette's 2 brown colors can also be replaced with the 2 subtle oranges from the "cinderella pumpkin" inspiration above and be just as fabulous!
As I'm writing this post, check out what I came across via Sotheby's instagram:
What a delicious combination of colors. So where to start with something like this? How about a tablescape (especially since that's where I'm going in this article!) ? It is easy to incorporate different, new colors in a room especially if the walls are fairly neutral. Of course, this palette wouldn't work well in a green room- but a warm buttery yellow could accommodate this palette, tans, even some warmer shades of red and of course, whites! This doesn't happen often, but happily, my dining table happens to support this color scheme well- so why not go for it...

Almost all of this decor came from items I already had. The blue glass plates and pumpkins I bought at an estate sale about 5 years ago. If you like the idea of incorporating the cobalt glass, it's pretty easy to find on ebay or at antique stores.
Sources for the caramel & blue palette:
These are on the table:napkins, napkin rings, maple leaf stem,
Here are some items similar to ones on the table: blue plates , blue salad plates , gold chargers , blue tea light holders here and here

How about you? What is your fall palette this year? Comment and let us know! No matter what direction you go this fall in your decor, I hope you find both joy and fulfillment in making your space a place you love.
